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The Horizon 21 team met up in Dublin on the 16th and 17th of May 2024, to discuss the first results of the longitudinal study of early markers of AD in adults with trisomy 21 (Horizon 21 cohort). The photo was taken in front of the Trinity College of Dublin. The next reunion will be in October, in Rome!

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Each MRI is performed when the patient is completely relaxed. At the slightest sign of anxiety, the MRI is postponed. Several solutions are offered to help patients relax, such as the use of headphones to play a playlist of music created by the patient prior to the examination; the possibility of communicating with doctors during the MRI; and other solutions […]

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The Horizon 21 research consortium met these 20th and 21st of october, in Paris, at the Institut Jérôme Lejeune. It was a great opportunity to share updates on current projects and to work together. The consortium gathers doctors and researchers from several European centers and conducts research projects on the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome population.

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