The Horizon 21 Consortium was born from a collaboration between clinicians from various European centers dedicated to adults and seniors with Down syndrome (DS)..

Their collaboration started in 2014 when they participated in the i-TAD project: Investigating common mechanisms in Trisomy 21 and Alzheimer’s disease (Horizon 2020 call for proposals). The group then took the name of Horizon 21.

The Horizon 21 programme currently brings together 9 teams from different European research sites, led by clinical researchers.
The programme develops collaborations with other clinicians, in Europe and in the rest of the world.

  • Antonia Coppus, Dichterbij, Center for Intellectual Disabilities, Gennep.
  • Frode Larsen, Ageing and Health Norvegian, National Advisory Unit, Oslo
  • Marie McCarron, Trinity Research, Trinity College, Dublin
  • Shahid Zaman, Cambridge Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Research Group Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge.
  • Andre Strydom, Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience – Kings College London.
  • Anne-Sophie Rebillat, Institut Jérôme Lejeune, Centre de consultation et de recherche pour la Trisomie 21, Paris
  • Juan FORTEA, Alzheimer Down Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Henrik ZETTERBERG, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Götenborg


Genetic markers : large-scale genotyping of DS persons in order to identify risk or protective factors of Alzheimer disease.


Harmonisation of neuropsychologic evaluation tools and news tools planification


Biological markers : for example, neurofilaments plasmatic levels analysis.


Sleep scoring : the impact of Alzheimer desease on DS adults sleep.



Andre STRYDOM : andre.strydom@kcl.ac.uk

Juan FORTEA ORMAECHEA : jfortea@santpau.cat

Anne-SophieREBILLAT : annesophie.rebillat@institutlejeune.org

Mary MC CARRON : mccarrm@tcd.ie

Antonia COPPUS : antonie.Coppus@radboudumc.nl

Johannes LEVIN : johannes.Levin@med.uni-muenchen.de

Shahid ZAMAN : shz10@medschl.cam.ac.uk

Frode LARSEN : frode.larsen@aldringoghelse.no

HenrikZETTERBERG : henrik.zetterberg@clinchem.gu.se


The Horizon 21 Consortium was born from a collaboration between clinicians from various European centres offering a consultation dedicated to Down Syndrom adults and seniors.


This program aims at identifying the factors that have influence on Alzheimer disease development for DS persons, and developing medical testing in order to prevent and/or decrease the disease outbreak for this type of persons.



DS patients present a higher risk to develop Alzheimer disease precociously. That is, their chromosome 21 carries the APP gene, wich is the forerunner of the beta-amyloïd protein which is stacked in the brain of Alzheimer disease patients. This gene being overexpressed, patients produce excessive beta-amyloïd protein.

This type of persons often show Alzheimer disease around age 55. After age 65, the rate of DS persons who suffer from Alzheimer disease is up to 80% – compared to less than 4% for general population.


Horizon 21 research centres all over Europe

Click on the map for more information

The Horizon 21 consortium gathers 9 European countries.