On March 21, we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day! The entire Horizon 21 consortium is joining this day by participating in the mismatched socks initiative: a way to celebrate difference!

On March 21, we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day! The entire Horizon 21 consortium is joining this day by participating in the mismatched socks initiative: a way to celebrate difference!
The Horizon 21 consortium met in Barcelona on 14 and 15 March 2022 for two days of work and training.
Consortium’s members are going to meet in person for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. The main objective of this meeting is to launch the « cognitive evaluation tools » project. The meeting will include a training phase on the e-CRF, the data collection tool used in this project.
The Horizon 21 consortium participated to the T21RS virtual conference on the 06.10.2021 (Symposium 5 : Alzheimer’s disease and Down syndrome clinical trials : clinical outcome mesures)
The consoritum had a zoom meeting on the 05.06.2021 with more than 40 participants for a full day of training before starting the inclusion of patients for the project « Longitudinal study of early markers of Alzheimer’s disease in adults with trisomy 21 ».